Classic Portal

The Classic Portal provides you with end-to-end visibility of location, reporting, and more for your fleet.




Using Reports

Reports allow you to view and interact with quantifiable vehicle data, such as daily activity, idling, stop times, speeding, landmark visits, and other aspects of driving efficiency.

Deep Dives



Deep Dives

How do I report an incorrect speed?

GPS Insight receives posted speed limit data from third-party vendors. The quality of this information is determined by the municipalities that provide the information to the third-party vendors.

What timezone is used on reports?

When I run an Activity Detail report for a vehicle located in the Eastern timezone, does the report show me Eastern time or Arizona time (my timezone)?



Scheduling a Report

Save your report settings for regular, automated delivery to one or more recipients via email.

Running a Report

Running a report allows you to immediately view the report in a new browser tab.

Deep Dives

What timezone is used on reports?

When I run an Activity Detail report for a vehicle located in the Eastern timezone, does the report show me Eastern time or Arizona time (my timezone)?

How do I report an incorrect speed?

GPS Insight receives posted speed limit data from third-party vendors. The quality of this information is determined by the municipalities that provide the information to the third-party vendors.

Import Credit Card Fuel Purchases

The Fuel Card Transactions Report and Fuel Card Usage Report can be populated with fuel purchase data sourced from any credit card(s) using a CSV Excel spreadsheet file.

How to Run a Report Including a Deactivated Vehicle

If you are looking to run a report that includes one or more deactivated vehicle(s), please use the following instructions. How to run a report with a deactivated vehicle: In Classic Portal, hover your mouse over “Account” until the drop-down menu appears. In the drop-down menu, click Manage Vehicles. A “Manage Vehicles” sub-list appears to…